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Maungawhau Wonderlight


Site-specific installation

Projected video, chiffon, mylar, wood, nylon string

Dimensions variable


Installation shot at Whitecliffe's Year 2 end-of-year exhibition, 2020.

Today we put all our knowledge, our feelings, our history, behind flat screens with a normal form… My big goal is to free these images, this wonderlight… in the room, back to our bodies.                                                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - Pipilotti Rist 

Experience in nature is layered and spatial. This work is inspired by my time spent on Maungawhau (Mount Eden) during Covid-19 lockdown and aims to capture the sense of peace and tranquillity experienced in the natural environment that I often wished I could bring into the interior space of the home. In creating an immersive installation that combines spatial and projected components, the work aims to evoke a sense of presence that comes about through the time spent with in it. In effect, the work is a physical meditation.


The use of video within the work is my way of reclaiming digital technology after it became an invasive presence over lockdown and is utilised to capture and mediate a fleeting temporal and spatial moment on the mountain. Commonly, moving image is experienced via a two-dimensional device. The fabric and light components of this work, created with stencils based on stills from the video footage, act to remediate this digital content – exploring how information tracks across different mediums, and grounding the digital back in the physical realm. 


The installation is designed be to be moved through, allowing the body to become another plane within the composition as it is explored. I have attempted to create an environment that is both grounded in and subverting of the architectural space. Viewers are encouraged to spend time within the space, to observe the patterns and changes in light as it falls throughout it, along with their own physical place within it.  


Installation and detail shots, 2020.

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