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Study week - Skillbuilding: Unity and Blender experiments

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

It's been an insomniac week for me, so haven't achieved very much...

March 16-17th

  • had a go at experimenting with geometry nodes in Blender after reflecting on Morton's idea of "the mesh", interconnectivity and the macro/micro levels of these things (atoms, cells, DNA, as well as NASA's images of Mars from Curiosity). I tried making a Mandelbulb (a three-dimensional fractal patterned object) to play with the aesthetics of visualising this and to test out some Blender learning. It looks interesting to me but even with the most basic settings for rendering set it still takes 3 hours per frame to render... and there are 500 frames. Not a crucial project thankfully! Below are a couple of example frames from different stages in the work's render

  • Below right: some misc thoughts reflecting on the LIDAR project, and concepts of both digital and organic landscapes/ecologies... Want to keep exploring this and put something around it forward for critique...

  • Low reading week - have a few things to take notes for, and have started refining my artist statement more for upcoming crits, but my brain has been feeling too busy and as much as I want to keep delving into things I also know that I need a mental break...

  • spent some time in video calls this week with Elvis going through a basic Unity tutorial on how to create worlds. Unfortunately, I ran into technical difficulties and had to pause the tutorial to reinstall everything; thankfully the next day was able to make some more progress. Screenshots of the tutorial build are below (ft. my avatar at the time). Am interested in the possibility of building environments in Unity as it seems a little easier and less intense on my computer than doing everything through Blender, and the idea of digital ecologies and different visualisation techniques is curious to me.


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