S2 Wk14? - Audio recordings and experiments + misc research
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This weekend my sister and I recorded some narration for the video sequence. I asked her to just work with the script I wrote a little...
Nov 4, 2022
S2 Wk14 - misc studio summary
Not a huge amount has been happening these past two weeks as I'm just focusing on rounding things off for EOY, but here is a brief...
Oct 19, 2022
S2 Wk12 - studio work update (point clouds and technicalities)
I've found the past few weeks really difficult to concentrate and to make much progress towards EOY unfortunately (a combination of...
Sep 18, 2022
S2 midterm break Wk 2 - creative writing practice
Inspiration: Brit Bunkley's Geolith , a 4:11 video depicting an apocryphal story about an interaction between Navajo tribal elder and the...
Sep 18, 2022
S2 midterm break Wk2 - Rangitoto, again
After spending some time over the past few months researching and visiting Rangitoto, I decided to spend some extended time on the island...
Aug 31, 2022
S2 Wk7 - critique notes
Presented three works - the printed kaikōmako series, moving image of orchid scan, and the lichen point cloud work Kaikōmako (printed...
Jul 23, 2022
S2 Wk 1 - Skillbuilding: camera motion in Blender (following paths, switching cameras, etc.)
Over the past month or so I've been trying to work with more and more camera techniques in Blender. The biggest one that I wanted to...
Jul 23, 2022
S2 Wk1 - Rangitoto expedition
As I wrote about in last term's blog posts, I have wanted to visit Rangitoto for a little while - the last time I was there I was struck...
Jul 18, 2022
Mid-semester break // reflecting on midyear hand-ins
Overall I'm reasonably content with how midyear assessments went - I'm happy with the images I chose to put forward, and despite some...
Jun 26, 2022
Midyear assessment + blog round-up
Artist statement Anna Bensky of Martha and her selves 2022 Multichannel image installation This work explores the restoration of the...
Jun 22, 2022
Wk 16 - studio work for midyear prep
Short update on plans for midyear - still tossing up between the kaikomako works and the pohutukawa hybrid image sequence - the large...
Jun 8, 2022
Wk 14 - Studio work: kaikōmako manawa tāwhi, the 'last' tree of its kind
For midyear and assessment, I'm planning on presenting an revised version of the works put forward for critique. I am waiting on...
May 30, 2022
Wk 12 - Critique feedback
Am feeling pretty positive about the critique. Much of the feedback was on issues I'd been worrying about already, so it was reassuring...
May 24, 2022
Wk 12 - Critique work
I've decided not to write an artist statement for the works tomorrow - last time, while what I wrote was relevant, I don't think it added...
May 22, 2022
Wk 12 - studio work
Over the last few weeks I've been attempting to create a video walk-/fly-through/explore? of the hybrid spaces I've been making from...
May 17, 2022
Study week - studio work
Installation test After discussing the 'chimera'/pōhutukawa assemblages last week and possible installation strategies, I decided to test...
May 7, 2022
Wk 9 - Hybrid forms
Experimenting with semi-fictional forms and assemblages After putting some of the printed scan images up on the wall in studio, I...
Apr 27, 2022
Wk 8 - studio projection tests
I wanted to see how some of the videos from last week would function on a larger scale. After projecting them into the studio space, two...
Apr 23, 2022
TERM 2 // break work
Because of stress levels last term, I decided to take the term break as a time for rest. I've kept up a little work for studio and...
Apr 23, 2022
Wk 6 - going forward, and lit review
(Small notes from last term) Feeling happy after critiques last week - I feel like the works I put forward are doing what I need them to,...
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