Wk 3 // notes: interview with Ursula le Guin
Wk 3 // studio work & planning
Wk 2 // Podcast notes
Wk 2 // writing, water, oneness, mesh...
Wk 2 // colour play and imaginary landscapes
Wk 2 // A small revisit to lichens and mapping (material processes)
Wk 1 // studio thoughts
Wk 1 // Hannah Stark: The Cultural Politics of Mourning in the Era of Mass Extinction
Wk 1 // thinking about rocks - interesting documentaries & diary notes
Wk 1 // notes - recent exhibitions and interviews
MFA // Seminar Week Recap
MFA Wk 0 // Research Projection Exercise
Final Installations // Whitecliffe MFA & BFA(Hons) Graduation Exhibition 2022
The end of the BFA(Hons) year // so long, and thanks for all the (cray)fish
S2 Wk16 - EOY installation plans and finalisations
S2 Wk15 - EOY drafts + installation planning
S2 Wk15? - NZGeo: "The Microscopic World of Lichens" by Derek Grzelewski
S2 Wk 15 - Research Summary
S2 Wk15? - individual point cloud video files